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I think cinema and TV serial are responsible for this crime.

Of course!!!!
Such crimes are really increasing nowadays :angry:

Meera sandhu
Yes media is doing all this. If they cannot control means they can go to prostitutes.

GOvernment must take an immediate action on these guys.

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This is very shameful act..
Such criminals should be killed but our government will not take strict and quick action and case will be prolonged for the years. And finally evryone will forget this crime and criminal will be out of the jail.
Thats why crimes are more increasing. The punishment should be so severe that it should make person think 100 times more before commiting such sins.
actually cops should let public handle such criminals.they should handover the man to the family with whose little daughter the man did so and then the public should show him the way to hell so that in future no such crime occur again.

actually cops should let public handle such criminals.they should handover the man to the family with whose little daughter the man did so and then the public should show him the way to hell so that in future no such crime occur again.

A couple of years ago, an incident shocked Kerala people. A small girl, nursery student named Krishna. Her neighbour lied her that he lost his chain and asked the girl whether she could help him to find it. Believing his words, that girl also accompanied him to a small bush near the home. He raped that child and killed her. Later, her body was found and seeing his strange behaviour, he was caught easily.
He admitted his mistake and was send to jail. After some days, he came from prison for a 'parol' (What's it called in English?----- few days to go outside the jail).
Krishna's father killed him.
Actually all Malayalis were happy including me. No one will say what Krishna's father committed is wrong.

Meera sandhu
actually cops should let public handle such criminals.they should handover the man to the family with whose little daughter the man did so and then the public should show him the way to hell so that in future no such crime occur again.

A couple of years ago, an incident shocked Kerala people. A small girl, nursery student named Krishna. Her neighbour lied her that he lost his chain and asked the girl whether she could help him to find it. Believing his words, that girl also accompanied him to a small bush near the home. He raped that child and killed her. Later, her body was found and seeing his strange behaviour, he was caught easily.
He admitted his mistake and was send to jail. After some days, he came from prison for a 'parol' (What's it called in English?----- few days to go outside the jail).
Krishna's father killed him.
Actually all Malayalis were happy including me. No one will say what Krishna's father committed is wrong.

yes you are right he did right.these rapists should be killed in a way that every criminal think 100 times before doing such a shameful crime.

actually its result of those corrupt politicians and MLA's who arincreasing these things.a nation where pornography can be seen in parliament and assembly freely than why these criminals will fear in doing so.where a lady is saying that getting called 'sexy' is nothing wont be bad for her as she may be having 10 bodyguards but we middle class people dont have.
there will be no end to this until the people like these will be in the system.they are fighting for lokpal bill.why not for this?there is not a single man who came infront and opened the files of those MLA's and Politicians who have more than 10 criminal cases registered against them.
Shame on the system and shame on us also that we are a part of it. And cant do any thing.

Raping a three years old is really very shocking and heinous. This reflects an abnormally sick mind. Lustful feeling for a child is by itself a manifestation of sick mind.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Unless we have a very strict punishment for such criminals they would keep on doing this. A public punishment is the only right punishment for them.

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Our indian government should thing about this issue and bring some strong punishments againts such criminals. Something like life long punishment.

Our indian government should thing about this issue and bring some strong punishments againts such criminals. Something like life long punishment.

Are you saying about our Indian government?
I have lost full hope :angry:

Meera sandhu
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