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I think the people who do crimes are not born criminals because when a child is born he is as pure as water but later the situation makes him to do the crime. But at the end of the day every person commiting crime knows that he is doing wrong deeds, so he asks God to forgive him. I am not supporting the criminals but it is fact, a man should be mentally strong and capable of control himself from doing crime. But sometimes situation m akes him helpless.

It is not happening in all cases. some are called 'born criminals' with such genetic traits

I think nobody is born criminals. Situation make them so due to poverty.
In many case people even after committing crime dont ask expect forgiveness. People who beleive in god only do that. Most of the crimals are mentally sick :unsure:
In many case people even after committing crime dont ask expect forgiveness. People who beleive in god only do that. Most of the crimals are mentally sick :unsure:

Yes many criminals do that because they don't beleive in God and they don't fear from God but definitely all of them are not mentally sick. :blink:
In many case people even after committing crime dont ask expect forgiveness. People who beleive in god only do that. Most of the crimals are mentally sick :unsure:

Yes many criminals do that because they don't beleive in God and they don't fear from God but definitely all of them are not mentally sick. :blink:

Simple theift doesnt come under crime and those people just do it for their living.I agree.. but criminal are almost mentally ill.
Bigger the criminal tries to underplay it by bribing God but is that possible. As if God does not know what and how to deal such persons.

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That is why he wont help or do any thing to criminals he will just watch them.

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Bigger the criminal tries to underplay it by bribing God but is that possible. As if God does not know what and how to deal such persons.

Bribing God??? :laugh:

God don't take bribe. :blink:
Yes he takes bribe in the form of good things which u are doing to people.

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Sanjeev and arjun, the money which we offer to God, should not say Bribe. We should say gift. if you offer him or wont offer him but he will alike to everyone.

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