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13 years ago
Hey Sheetal, Nice website and more importantly I liked your concept and approach. But I agree with Ronark as well, the ad on the page kinda distracts.
I know you have not put that ad, that ad is put by webs.com as you are using their free hosting. I would suggest that you get your own domain name and host it. IT would look more professional and appealing.
Infact, you can still get it done for free. Just get your free domain via the link below and you will get your own domain name and professional ad free hosting from Hostgator.com for 1 year. And after 1 year, you still profiting from it, you can start paying for it and if it does not work ditch it. Here's the link:
The above initiative is started by Google to get small businesses online. All you will need is your PAN card number.)
I know you have not put that ad, that ad is put by webs.com as you are using their free hosting. I would suggest that you get your own domain name and host it. IT would look more professional and appealing.
Infact, you can still get it done for free. Just get your free domain via the link below and you will get your own domain name and professional ad free hosting from Hostgator.com for 1 year. And after 1 year, you still profiting from it, you can start paying for it and if it does not work ditch it. Here's the link:
The above initiative is started by Google to get small businesses online. All you will need is your PAN card number.)
13 years ago
That nice of you as you give some more feature of this web site as i see but it is not clear to me in a proper way..
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