I never beleive on "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT". :evil: I think a person need to think and check before engaging himself/herself in the relation. :) What do you say?
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Let experienced persons answer first :P

Meera sandhu
Let experienced persons answer first :P

They are mum on this topic may be they don't want to reveal it..hehehe.. :woohoo:
I don't have experience regarding love affair but I have seen many people behaving foolishly. Love at first sight, second sight is just bull sheat. You may like someone at first sight. First sight cannot make you take life long decision.
Love at first sight is only an attraction. It may help you to get a good impression. But it will turn to a life long relationship only if both are able to understand each other.

Meera sandhu
No way, I don't believe in that. this is not a movie going on here, this is our real life.

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I don't believe on this., if it is happen then, it may be only be cause of time and situation.

Love at first sight it is not a pure love but it is a attraction to one another.
I don't have experience regarding love affair but I have seen many people behaving foolishly. Love at first sight, second sight is just bull sheat. You may like someone at first sight. First sight cannot make you take life long decision.

I fully agree with you love at first sight is not good for the relation which has to last for whole life. :) :)
Love at first sight it is not a pure love but it is a attraction to one another.

This is not love but infatuation that takes place in first sight.

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Even I don't believe it... How can person love someone without knowing.. Must be attraction!!

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