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We make a person smile,only when he/she is not in a good mood.So,obviously it takes time to make smile on the peson who doesn't has a good mood.

Some people need more efforts who are in bad mood and not smiling. There is no use to tickle some one who is already laughing.

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We make a person smile,only when he/she is not in a good mood.So,obviously it takes time to make smile on the peson who doesn't has a good mood.

Some people need more efforts who are in bad mood and not smiling. There is no use to tickle some one who is already laughing.

And sometimes our efforts get failed and we can't be able to make someone smile with our activities. :)
Even a smile on our face can make the other person change his bad mood :P

Meera sandhu
I do make people smile often. I will try to keep my environment lively.
I do make people smile often. I will try to keep my environment lively.

I think spontaneous responses can bring smile to one's face easily, particularly small kids :cheer:

Meera sandhu
Yes I do not make them smile only but make them laugh also. Provided they know how to laugh.

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Yes I do not make them smile only but make them laugh also. Provided they know how to laugh.

hahaha... i don't know how to laugh but still i laugh with people. :woohoo:
Keep on laughing man, that is good for your health.
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Keep on laughing man, that is good for your health.

Not for me buddy its good for all.

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Keep on laughing man, that is good for your health.

Not for me buddy its good for all.

{CJATTACHMENT ["id": 6834]}

watch out you may kill a few ants while rolling on the floor. Remember Maneka Gandhi is watching you.
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