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Very good information shared on this threads about health. Thanks for all... Keep on sharing:)

Waking early morning.
Performing excercise.
Then meditation
then geting fresh
starting breakfast with juice and then healthy breakfast
having lunch in time
salads and juices having as snacks at evening.
Taking light food before sleep.
Taking milk before sleeping
then performing meditation
and sleep early like 9 and 10 'o clock
Is good for health

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Nice shared Sarala,Is it a poem?It looks like a poem.
Some more health tips.

Eat Breakfast Every Morning.
Add Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet.
Make Social Connections.
Drink Water and Eat Dairy products.
Snack the Healthy Way.
Our daily life is being fast day by day so we can not follow all things so we should select best things like daily yoga,meditation etc.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Our daily life is being fast day by day so we can not follow all things so we should select best things like daily yoga,meditation etc.

I think eating lots of drinking water also solves the problem.....

Yes all are effective ways of getting healthy life. But its too hard to have all.

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