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Good to know about Sai Baba that he was muslim.Are you speaking about Recent or old Sai?
Good to know about Sai Baba that he was muslim.Are you speaking about Recent or old Sai?

The Shirdi Sai Baba was a Muslim and most Sai devotes have faith in him. There was another Sai Baba in Andhra Pradesh, who died recently. He is also said to be incarnation of the 'original Sai Baba'.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Thanks Gulshanji for your kind information.There are many devotees of Recent Sai Baba in Bengal also.Sachin Tendulkar is also a great devotee of him.
people like sai baba are beyond religion......
Here the issue is about religious extremism i.e. hatred and violence for on religious issues. Happily, there were no riots or any unpleasant incidents in the last few years. The Gujarat riots appear the latest. We should strengthen secular ideas. This implies that we should consider religion purely a personal matter and deal with all in normal course of life without considering religion.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Yes the need of the day is to crush them to the root. If they shall be dealt on political views or seen with vote bank angles, there is no one who can stop this country to go to the dogs.

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