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Donating blood is good if you are healthy and disease free. It doesnt mean that you lose blood , infact our body generate it more. It is more worth to donate if your blood group is negative like A-ve or B-ve because these type of blood groups are verry rarely available.
Every person must donate blood for every three months or atleast six months. So he will get healthy by donating it.

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I did not know if you can benefit by donating blood.....but here are the good points i could find if you donate blood:

Reduce the chance of heart diseases
Enhance the production of new Red Blood Cells
Helps in fighting hemochromitosis
Burns calories
Invigorated feeling in elderly people

I know the increase in production of new blood cells. But I don't know others.

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even i did not know but the i searched google and found them.......People should know the good things about donating blood......

There is a site in net where you can find the name and blood group with city name and location.
Ram this is the forum about discussion on blood it is good or not to donate blood.

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Sasi I am sorry. I have given just to remember the site names as many times we go to another city for treatment and may be required blood,then it will help.
Yes I know Ram but there is no problem just you remembered site names for us again.

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Ofcourse it is good even donating blood is a biggest donation than others. It is a magnificent act.
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