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Donating blood is like giving life to the people.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

There is no problem whatsoever in donating blood, this takes a very little time to cover up the quantity donated. So why not.

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Ofcourse donating blood is good for health. But many people afraid of injection,blood etc., everyone have to donate blood.

Ram, thanks for sharing the site address. It will be helpful to many people.

many people hesitate to donate blood, as they feel that the instrument used in taking blood may be used once and they may harm them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Blood donation is very good for health.
In today's busy schedule, no one is getting time to think for the benefit of others, even we. That's the reason why people are not coming forward.
This is also one reason, in addition to fear.

Actually, if I see blood, I will faint quickly....ha ha
This has happened many times :laugh: :laugh:

Meera sandhu
But be careful don't donate in any place.Donate in recognized center.The interval should be three months also.
But be careful don't donate in any place.Donate in recognized center.The interval should be three months also.

Ya. Syringe should be good. Otherwise, all know its after effects.

Meera sandhu
Syringe should not only good it should be thrown after a use.
Syringe should not only good it should be thrown after a use.

Many used syringes are brought to market after sterilisation :ohmy:
And they may be used by unrecognized centres. So, we should always go to good centres as Ram suggested

Meera sandhu
[quote]many people hesitate to donate blood, as they feel that the instrument used in taking blood may be used once and they may harm them [/quote]

Sarala, when we go to donate blood, we should ensure that a new sealed package is opened before your eyes and a new syringe is used on you. Also, ensure that the syringe you used is properly discarded after its tip is broken. Then, there is absolutely no problem.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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