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Your question was 'is India developing?'...not 'Is India developed?'

If your question is the second one, definitely India is not developed, it is only on the path to reach the people who are already there.
Never compare our country with America and Japan. Just compare it with India before 50 years? Isn't it developing?

My question was, if resources are nill and money is huge, it is only inflation. Actually, value of money is decreased.
I read some years before. In Zimbabwe, there currency starts with 1000 ....(I don't know their currency). But in India, it is still 50paise.
In that country, money has no value because, all have money ....
I think our experts can give you better explanation.....@Chinmoyji

Meera sandhu
India is Developing only in the cities.The development Status in villages is very slow and it needed to come in front and work for the development of villages region.India is developing only when The whole part of india is developing not a specified Part.As we know India is a Country of Villages so how you think without developing villages you are on a path of development.
Alam, I hope you didnt visit villages at.Now villages only developing faster than cities

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

India is Developing only in the cities.The development Status in villages is very slow and it needed to come in front and work for the development of villages region.India is developing only when The whole part of india is developing not a specified Part.As we know India is a Country of Villages so how you think without developing villages you are on a path of development.

Still, it is developing. Isn't it?
Its progress is only going on bit by bit. Yet, things have changed very much, even if we compare with the conditions 10 years before.
Your question is "Is it developing or not"

Meera sandhu
I visit only few of the Village that i Know.And i find in many of the Village.No Electricity.Leave electricity there is no pole for electricity they spend there dark night with help of Candle and other light giving thing.That why i am telling develop whole of India not just a part.Is that those villages is not a Part of our country.
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