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Sandhya with out commitment to your parents or friends your life will be nothing. Just think of your past you will get some where in your life that you was committed.

Sasi.... :laugh:
I was replying to Swetha about rubick cube. What did you think????? :woohoo:
Everyone has commitments in least keeping relationships.
As a person, I think, most commitments will be after getting married and becoming a parent.
I think parents have more commitments than others, if their children are still minors :)

Meera sandhu
Yes you are right Sandya parents will have more commitments when their children are minors.

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Swetha that's great explanation of commitment. Situation and X-factors also comes forth.
For Doing any task that you Commitment to do at a certain time then that man must be Cofident and having a strong will power then he had to take a certain Job in his hand.
commitment is nothing a kind of oath. Which we need to fulfill them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I commit every that thing to do about which I am sure 100% otherwise I never refer commitment if I am not sure.
Yes I will do it, even if I have to go out of the way to keep my words. For me I am committed to what I said. No backing out for me.

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commitment is nothing a kind of oath. Which we need to fulfill them

Yes...commitment is like a promise. It should be kept. :P

Meera sandhu
I do not do commitments because i know i rarely commit those.Its better not to do commitments rather not to complete these.
I do commitments after thinking all the possibilities:cheer:
If i cant ... Then i wont commit on those things :)

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