Some people do believe, wearing a particular colour code at an occasion can bring success. Is it true? Can colours influence our future and fortune?

Also, let me know about your favourite colour?

Meera sandhu
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Hai Riju,

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Meera sandhu
Colours surely influence our moods and behaviour but I don't believe that these have any magical powers to bring success!
yes colours do effect our mood.....anyhow green has a great impact on my day...i cant say if its influences my fortune but i do feel very positive when i wear green.... of course it is my favorite colour. :)

yes colours do effect our mood.....anyhow green has a great impact on my day...i cant say if its influences my fortune but i do feel very positive when i wear green.... of course it is my favorite colour. :)

My favourite is also green....I just love all its shades. It is often said, people who love green are always active and will remain happy always. I think it is true for both of us. :laugh:

Meera sandhu
Hmm.......I love being happy..but being active......i doubt.. :unsure:

I am too lazy to be active...... :lol:

Thnx for suggestion & calling me riju most of my frnz also call me by this name.I want to tell one more example related to color.In large organisations also mgt. sets some kind of uniform or dresses which diverts their behaviour in a formal manner.
i do have heard of colour therapy and its i think i has got some relevance

i do have heard of colour therapy and its i think i has got some relevance

You can go through Wikipedia

Meera sandhu
Some times this is true this depend on their belief.

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