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yes education is the best gift to any person which stays with him/her for life
Yes this can be given by us only by helping others god wont give us.

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" Children is the future of the Nation " . So, Education is must.I will conform pass this message to all my friends.
Yes children is the bright future to our country they must educate for better society.

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Helping others is a great thought and a great thing that to helping children for education is a wonderful deed. I appreciative these film actors who have organised this program. Film industry is the field where we can get lot of money. and these film actors are really great as they spending their money on poor children. I salute them

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

ya this is good news that celebrities are helping children for their education. Their are lot of people in India who is following celebrities. so, this is a good move my celebrities to help poor children's.

Helping the children is the greatest way to serve God. That too for education there is no words to say.
Helping every child with his education is something that will take this country on a path of progress.
Helping other for their education is really wonderful thing. I wish we all also help children

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We are not giving any money we are just forwading this as many as children to help them.

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