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If more and more people are taking to computers in their day-to-day lives it only goes to demonstrate its usefulness and effectiveness and I fail to see how God comes into the picture!As Gulshan rightly points it out to be an unrelated concept.The IT revolution has at best helped us to view things in an altogether different light.Let computer replace human beings first!!
Robots are replacing human beings already.Soon humans will extinct from all jobs.

Don't forget robot too is a creation of the human brains and its existence is solely dependent on its master. And I am sure no robot can ever become a member of boddunan!!!

Don't forget robot too is a creation of the human brains and its existence is solely dependent on its master. And I am sure no robot can ever become a member of boddunan!!!
Today, life has changed immensely with the advent of modern technology, man finds it easy and fun to spend vallied time with the machines rather than real humans.There's hardly any room for human emotions.Its not just youngsters and kids who are falling prey to this new found obsession.Grown ups, parents started it all with sticking their eyes endlessly to the soaps in t.v's and neglecting the kids and that's how the trend continues.
Please note: although no board code and smiley buttons are shown, they are still usable.

there is no reason for god done things
If human beings cease to be human with all the so-called technological, we have reasons to feel alarmed and threatened!
This is the time of Cyborgs. It has been proved that by connected certain chips to human brain and just by thinking we can make the limb organs move. It is a great achievement in the field of science but not good for our social setup. that is science overtakes Gods job.
Nowadays more important is given to computers and mobiles. Video games of all kinds are available free through net and that corrupt our kids mind.
In my opinion kids should not be allowed to play violent/sex content games until they are able to distinguish between game and real life.
Man's brain is behind computer. Without man, there is no God. However, the issue is that children are spending most of the time on video/ computer games and too less times outside. This is resulting even in small children suffering from adult diseases like diabetes, obesity, tension and so on. Parents should encourage their children to play outdoor games and watch that they do not indulge in porn sites on net.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Human beings are capable of both becoming gods and demons both. The Ultimate Human Being who would come into being at the end of evolutionary process would enjoy the godly status and if and when compared with that Super Human Beings todays human beings would look like caricatures of that!
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