Kolavari di is now a hit in night clubs in Japan...isnt that amazing
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Its an amazing song which became popular with in less time.It is written and composed by Dhanush the son in Law of Rajani kanth the superstar.and he even got appointment from prime minister

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes, this kolavari song has been attracted by each and everyone within a short time. even this song has no meaning, but the lyrics make the song hit.

Yes he has been invited over for dinner with the prime minister of japan..thats a great honour
Kolavari di is a hit song of 2011.
This is popular in very less time.

Be positive
Yes even this song is made as the aerobic excercise practice song in japan.

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This song has been choreyographed in many ways and this is really amazing song and the language in this song is understandable by all

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In spite of the song having no meaning whatsoever, its the appeal in Dhanush's voice and the beautiful rhythm of the musical instruments used in it is what makes the song so appealing. I am listening to that song almost daily and I like it!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

The main attraction the compose of the song and today whole world has been spreed with a magic of kolavari song.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes it is the most hit song in 2011 and also nice tune and lyrics.

Its new type music and singing is from heart and good effort and potential and nice to hear this song.

Santosh Kumar Singh



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