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If other person is not feeling any harm,and we are getting the fruit very easily,then Non-acceptance can help.
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Fruits of fault may not taste that sweet!
Surely beneficial in long term. It will bring more confidence in us, to face more difficult situations if we are able to accept our faults and help in keeping our mind calm and loose the fear of being caught for the mistake committed. Also, it will help us not to repeat same mistakes again.

Meera sandhu
We should try to learn the positives which comes out of this. This could help us in long run.

Want to make each day Accountable

If due to our fault something is losing it is better to accept so as to prevent the further loss.
This depends on the fault, suppose this is some thing to clear the problems this is okay to accept it. But if it gives you away for some thing serious you must think twice.

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It depends up on the situation. If the person is criticizer type then its better not to accept our fault. If the person is good and help us in correcting our mistakes then it is good to accept the fault

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It depends up on the situation. If the person is criticizer type then its better not to accept our fault. If the person is good and help us in correcting our mistakes then it is good to accept the fault

You many not actually say about your fault but should understand this for improvement.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I have told earlier also.....accepting our fault is really beneficial in long term, because it prevents us from committing same mistake once more, thus correcting it. Also, if we are able to accept our faults, we are attaining more self confidence and we are able to face more difficult situations in future. Also, get peace of mind for sure.

If we are not able to admit even our small mistakes, we are not able to grow. We are really shrinking.

Meera sandhu
It is beneficial only........
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