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Recent studies have shown that face book, twitter, orkutt etc has adversely affected the working capacity and capability of an employee and each company is losing lots of dollars every day, across all countries.

Meera sandhu
its a very common practice.....and the work culture is such that you tend to break some of the rules often.....there are many who are not aware of the rules even....

Violating while working is common practice. this is not only on IT,. This has been practicing on all field. As im working in textile field. most of my fiends will do the same thing.

I think to restrict it there should be some firewall setting to restrict access of unwanted site . In my organization its all restricted so nobody able to access FB Site.

Santosh Kumar Singh


I think to restrict it there should be some firewall setting to restrict access of unwanted site . In my organization its all restricted so nobody able to access FB Site.

yes,you are correct we can restrict sites by using fire wall setting. In my company also all sites blocked.

You know one employee misused the company mobile and his bill alone was Rs 3000/-


well, guys generally companies instruct us with do's and dont's this is what is tempting or provoking the people to violate.if someone will actually mention what activities voilates certain things; then it will be beneficial.

For example we tell our employees not to use company phone for personal use ;due to which people use misusingly!!! If they had mentioned that it will be violating then probably no one will misuse.

Swetha Shenoy
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