A recent global survey says that employees in India are top violators of IT rules at workplaces, ahead of Russia and Vietnam. With as many as four out of five employees in India admitting to doing it, it is no surprise that they don't even think it is a violation.
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I admit.. i also violate rules of my companies by keeping "Sharekhan website" open in one tab of my browser and keeping track of markets.
I agree, most of the IT persons will keep open their FB accounts on another tab on their browser. i seen a lot of my friends using like that even me many times.

Yes many are doing so and please share about some merits and demerits of it.

It applies to not only IT, the scenario is same in other sectors too!
Chinmoy jee i had not understood this please explain in simple words.

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There are violations of various provisions of some welfare legislations. For example many employers don't deposit provident dues which is a serious offence but we have fewer actions against the employers!
Thank you chinmoy jee for your explanation.Then how the violations will reduce.

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When the authorities wake up to these violations and take effective aginst the violators as per the provisions of the respective Acts!
But authorities take many time to wake up they also will do this as hurry burry and forget after some days.

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Sorry mates! I think what this post actually wanted to convey is violation on the part of employees of rules at workplaces. It is true some of the governemnt employees are the worst violators of rules. They make personal calls from office phones,misuse internet facilities! This reflects poorly on our culture!
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