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Our focus should be to give more qualitative performance along with increasing the number of users, once we have done that I don't think there would be much difficulty in getting google adsense API!

Qualitative performance to what effect? The boddunan management team has not shared any vision or goals with us. So how do we know for sure whether what we are thinking is in line with what the management thinks.

Also, Kalyani if we both are talking of Adsense API, then I would suggest that you read the official link I quoted in my first reply. It specifically lays down the requirement to even apply and they are as follows:

1. 100,000 pageviews a day

2. Revenue sharing model with most revenue going to the author.

And as I have cleared first level approval for my site I can safely say that these rules are less difficult than what lies ahead. But anyways what I would like to know is that do Maverick really want to achieve this goal? If yes, then he has to provide us with some statistics and data and also change this site to a revenue sharing site in true terms.

This ain't a revenue sharing site.

Anyways, let's see what management thinks about it.
Thank you said by: deepak
Try we must - however harder the goal looks like! Every thing is difficult before it becomes easy!!

I totally agree with you, the goals which are impossible to achieve are the one that gives more pleasure and satisfaction.

What I don't like is beating a dead horse. Unless I know the management direction, I would not like to direct my energy to this goal which in the end may prove futile.

And also even if the management do say yes for this, there would be a lot of changes that we would have to make to this site, before we can even start working on the goal.

But yea, this is a positive change and If maverick gives a go ahead for this, I would definitely be helping this site achieve that will all my brain and strength.
Thanks for your useful inputs, Arun, I honestly do not know much about Google Adsense, but yes, I agree with you that there should be a common goal and vision that needs to be formulated and shared with everyone! But yes, the first step forward would be first WANTING to change, then like Chinmoy says, everything would be easy.

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Arun can you please tell me what is Google Adsense API?

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala, google API is nothing but a specialized code from google which if we implement on our site, then users of the site can apply for a google account from the site itself. No need to have our own blog/website. Also, we can directly share how much percentage of revenue we want to share with users. Also, layout and color of the ads can be controlled to a great degree.
It's undoubtedly true which may sound too harsh to some that lack of dynamism is proving costly and coming in a big way to actualize the full potential of this site. That's reason I pointed out several times the need to professionalise in all facets of boddunan.Honestly I don't have that much of time to associate myself the way I would have liked.

But let us accept it that knowledge too is a million-dollar industry,if not more. It is fairly understandable why Google has set such stringent standards of quality in keeping with its global stature and it's for the people who run the show of boddunan to come up to the standards of Google- not the other way round! Here lies the rub. Goal-setting,laying down broad plans and executive actions to implement them are all in the realm of Boddunan management.Honestly speaking boddunan responses to these challenges have largely been lackadaisical and directionless.Once these key issues are resolved I don't understand why this goal can't be realized.
Thank you said by: Arun Jain
Previous year according to Maveric Sir daily page impression average was 20000 per month current status I do not know I think we need to pin Maveric Sir again to know current right status.

Santosh Kumar Singh


Sarala, very useful site has been given by Arun. Even I am unaware of this but I guess reading this link would be helpful.
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