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Find out any of such cases and report them to the moderator! I am ready to face any action gracefully!
[quote]Ceeem you repeat one thing that spamming must be stop in that forum you express the same thing in different word is it not a spamming. [/quote]

Are you trying to say that this is a spam post?? Explain yourself clearly!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

How suraj you can describe the chinmoy jee is spamming.Give respect to the Seniors.

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Wherever there is spamming I would raise my voice and here whoever is the person should be made to face the consquences if found guilty,including me. That's why I asked him to subtantiate his allegation and I don't know if he has approached any moderator with evidence so far.If he hasn't then I expect him to withdraw this allegation as a self-respecting person. In the alternative Boddunan must take serious action against him!
I was very sorry for that i am doing last night there is no and never a spamming cases against the chinmoy sir .
If you have owned it up honestly,then forget this! Never fail to keep in mind that all we earn respect by showing greater respect to others!
[quote]Wherever there is spamming I would raise my voice and here whoever is the person should be made to face the consquences if found guilty,including me. That's why I asked him to subtantiate his allegation and I don't know if he has approached any moderator with evidence so far.If he hasn't then I expect him to withdraw this allegation as a self-respecting person. In the alternative Boddunan must take serious action against him! [/quote]

You are doing the right thing by raising your voice as and when needed. There are always going to be those who will not do anything to better things but will take objection to those who do! He has never approached any moderator on this issue and if one looks at various threads, it is he who must be ticked off, not you!

[quote]I was very sorry for that i am doing last night there is no and never a spamming cases against the chinmoy sir . [/quote]

Suraj, do not forget Chinmoy's advice, show respect to others and you will get it in return. Do not post anything that comes to your mind! Anyway, all is well that ends well!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Administration should delete the repetitive posting and should cut the points also.
This is my suggestion.
Thanks Kalyani for speaking your mind on any issue of importance as clearly and conscientiously as you do always!
Thank you said by: Kalyani Nandurkar
In my opinion there must be limitation in answering in forums.So the spamming will reduce.

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