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Please see instructions for writing article. The very first instruction says- article should be self written. Daughter's article is not written by you. Better get her article published in her name only. This will be more satisfying to her.

gulshan ji, i think you are correct. if article submitted by her daughter then it get cash credit. it inspire her more to write more articles.

Encouraging a small children also the boddunan will be the first site.

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If the article is self written and your daughter has no objection submitting it in your name then I think there should not be any controversy for it...!
Yes ram even if you want her name in the article write her name at the end of article so she will feel happy to see her name in the internet.You can add her photo also at the end of article.

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yes, Ram you can submit. but it should be in good formate and should not be copied one. Boddunan need a fresh content that may be written by anyone.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Ram, did you post your daughters article? is it approved! pls let us know after you posting the article as we are eager to read the article which your daughter writes.

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