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Long hairs looks good and attract others eyes. There is not a practical reason behind it.
you are right isha it will attract other eyes. :) :)

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In earlier Most of men love women having long hair.As men used to be dominative on women so women used to maintain long hair as men's order.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

In earlier Most of men love women having long hair.As men used to be dominative on women so women used to maintain long hair as men's order.

Sarala, you are right but it also adds to beauty of women.
i think in olden days women used to have long hair to maintain their beauty and also to attract men.

Now a days it is quite impossible to mentain the long hair of woman.
Its really hard to maintain. But people with long hairs looks good Ram.
I too love the long hair of Women. Women want to show their beauty and hair is one part which looks beautiful. Personally,my first priority is Hair to see the women is beautiful or not. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: ;) .

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Women takes lot of care to maintain the length of the hair than anything.
Washing them is not at all easy. They have to take a proper care,to keep them good looking.

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