Why women in past, keeps her hairs long? Why black hairs are preferred more?
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Oh i dont know about this devayani.I dont have any one in contact to ask and say to you.

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I also love long hair of women and am fascinated. It is not possible to tell reason. This is a matter of feeling only. As regards color, many like blonde color more. In India, hair color and eye color are usually black and these are fancied more. Beauty is subjective and one may explain preference but not reason.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

many women value thier hair as their ultimate assets.they consider it to be the most beautiful part of their body.i have no contrasting opinion to this.black hair rocks.....
Black and long hair gives a traditional look. In the earlier India is a more and more traditional so at that time tradition is fashion .

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes it helps a lady to look beautiful and I personally like a lady with long and black hair.

They have lot of time time to take care of the hair.now a days it is not possible for working women

In previous days ladies prefer long hair which will make her beautifull and it also shows how healthy she is but now a days less women are prefering this.

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Why women in past, keeps her hairs long? Why black hairs are preferred more?

This totally depends on how one feel with long hairs.
long hairs are good to see . i don't think there is any reason for keeping long hair . but it feels good to have long hairs.
But any one women with long hair look like gorgeous one. though she wont look good but the long hair makes her look beautiful.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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