Skin is a big organ in our body. As every part of our body skin will be. so we should protect our exposed skin especially when it is exposed to sun.

So here are some tips :

1. Try to keep your skin clean.
2. Try to remove black heads by applying facepacks.
3. while going outside in hot sun try to apply cream to your skin that is at face, feet and that the skin wont get effected by the uv rays or sun rays.
4. observe while having food , which is causing allergy and try to avoid that food.
5. Few people suffer with pimple problems. so the best tip for it is having more and more water.As water removes the unwanted things which causes pimples and skin problems.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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Thank you sarala for providing the valuable tips. :)

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drinking water is the best therapy for skin problems but water must be pure in the same time.
Drinking water is the best terapy to skin and other good health problems.

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Applying the mixture of moongdal power and rice powder with raw milk to your face and hands and feet . and remove them after 20 minutes then all the black heads will get removed and your face will have a differetn glow.

Note: Dont wash your face with hot water, try to wash your face with cold water. dont rub much while removing the pack.after washing your face, wipe the water from your skin thoroughly then apply some moisturizer cream, then your will see the correct result of the pack

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I am thinking that you have done any beautician course sarala.You are providing a valubale tips to us.

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i didnt do any course these are the tips i follow in my self experience

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thanks for your tips Sarala. skin is the cover in which we live.
applying kera or cucumbar juice to your skin regulary gives a great color and glow

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala your tips are really very much valuable... thanks:-)

Applying aloevera gel with rose water and rose powder improves colour in your skin.

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