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US are really strict in security and due to this reason,they trap indian people in checking.

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This is a matter of national honor. There is reciprocity in international relations. We must never give any country nationals and diplomats/ dignitaries a treatment better than what they give to us. Moreover I feel that Americans are Christians and they believe in the principle- do to others as you would be done by. Thus by frisking Kalam, our ex president, they expect that we should frisk their ex presidents also. Why not oblige them by frisking their VVIPs as they do to their Indian counterparts. Like them, we shall also say 'sorry' later.

I totally agree with you on this Gulshan! Just because they are white-skinned (mostly) and speak English does not mean that we should be in awe of them and let them behave with our dignitaries as they would with common criminal suspects! They should have thought twice at least in dealing with a person such as Dr. Kalam. It is very abominable and we should return it with full favours on their dignitaries![/quote]

what America has done cannot be justified in any case.of course you have to understand their concern for the safety of their country.but dignitaries like kalam could have been exempted.

but we should never do the same to them..think of our father of nation ...think what he would say to this incident...follow it...

we say our father of nation is mahatma Gandhi....that is not enough ..try to follow his principles...only then he will be the true father of our nation.
The all countries will look our country men very cheap from Gandhi to kalam.

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The all countries will look our country men very cheap from Gandhi to kalam.

gandhi was never consideed cheap in any country nor is kalam..
when Kalam was insulted this way on airport this was very embrassing moment for Indian authorities and India as well
this is the second time Kalam got insulted. I feel Indian also should insult when the american comes to our India

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this is the second time Kalam got insulted. I feel Indian also should insult when the american comes to our India

America has apologized for this happened because of some employees who did not know about the stature of kalam.they thought he was just another Muslim.America sacked the employees who were responsible for this..
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