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yes you are right but then children grow up drinking bournvita and to this day I like bournvita so we can say it is harmful but then it is difficult to leave certain things.
Yes, even I love to drink bornvita and i even eat it also. Sasikanth what chemical is used in Bornvita or any other energy drink which is harm to human

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala you can see at the back of that box they will show there which are used in it.

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I didnt find anywhere the precautions about the energy drinks. I have seen and didnt find

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Energy drinks should not be taken because they contain almost three to five times more caffeine than normal drinks. A study claims that high energy drinks could even causes strokes and death to children...!
May be there are chemicals , but they give energy to the body. If anyone create awareness in the people then they will stop having these energy drinks

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

We consider a soup as a food with lots of water it give us lots of energy.
[quote]May be there are chemicals , but they give energy to the body. If anyone create awareness in the people then they will stop having these energy drinks [/quote]

Sarala, drinking such energy drinks gives only a temporary burst of energy for a short time and in the long run the artificial flavors and chemicals will damage your digestive system a lot! It is better to stick to natural foods.
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"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

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I would consider it a kind of mix of solid and liquid, hence food!
Kalyani had explained us about the adverse effects of energy drink.

This is true first they give a lot of energy after sometimes it makes us sick.

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