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To keep his respect he shouldn't have entered the show itself. Now it is too late, he has to complete the show.
Being Swamiji, he must be neutral regarding these. He should treat them like daughter. Nobody forced him to participate in Big Boss. I think he was aware of this situation before.
big boss is getting bigger..swami agnivesh has opted out...and they have introduced porn stars ...we indians should stop watching this crap..
If he is baba then why he is participating relatity show of bb. this means he is just acting as baba.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

If he is baba then why he is participating relatity show of bb. this means he is just acting as baba.

its not clear why he entered big boss show. But i think he is genuine.
How can he be genuine deepak. Baba never try for money. so this person has joined it for money .so he is not genuine

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

How can he be genuine deepak. Baba never try for money. so this person has joined it for money .so he is not genuine

Money is the pivot around which entire human activities move, even spiritual and religious activities are no exception. All ashrams, temples and shrines accept charity and spend millions.

We cannot object to entry of Swami Agnivesh in Bigg boss. He did nothing objectionable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

right gulshanji......every charity requires money and good will. In my perception,swami agnivesh got some money but lost some goodwill through this move.
right gulshanji......every charity requires money and good will. In my perception,swami agnivesh got some money but lost some goodwill through this move.

If he did nothing wrong, how he lost any goodwill. He is a Swami no doubt but he has not renounced the world. He is working for betterment of all and he can use media including Bigg Boss for the purpose.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

thats good to hear.....but most of indians consider big boss as the crappy show. By associating himself with that show....i think many indians would have thought wrong about him...
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