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Try to include best keywords in your website content and then do onpage optimization by including metatags then submit your best to search engines then to social networking sites then to directories .soon you will get a good result

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I want to market my websites to bring in more traffic. What are the ways?

For marketing purpose, you can post ur website url at places where usualy traffic is more like on FB, Twitter.
best way to get traffic is comment on the sites related to the your website concept and give your link at the end.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

best way to get traffic is comment on the sites related to the your website concept and give your link at the end.

This can also be done to get more traffic.
Even by submiting yourwebsite to the search engines then traffic will increase

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala, thank you very much for the valuable ideas.

On page content updation and off page search engine optimization is important for promotion of websites.
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