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A really good banner. And a quote that is truly right in its own way. Thanks for sharing.
yes, it can be implemented in 2 situations.
If we meet a person whom we like the most. so after he leaving you also you feel so happy on that day so day is brighter.

if we met a person who is eating your brain became headache to you. if he leave you . then you will feel happy and day is brighter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Haahaa ha hahaa :laugh: :woohoo: I could not stop laughing after seeing sarala's explanation though initially i just understood it after sarala's explanation it was very very clear. ;)

you told correctly :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: this are the correct reasons

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you told correctly :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: this are the correct reasons

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superb pic sasikanth..
This is just a funny explanation and truthfull one.I all will some times this.

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seriously sarala i cannot explain how much you have made me laugh. more than the post i laughed after reading your explanation!!
In our daily life we all will feel this of some persons who irritates us.

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ya but now with this thread I found a new nick name for people who are like this, call them headache and no one will understand what you are talking about.
Yes vidhi i changed it to the headache people.

This are the people irritates and us they will feel happy for irritating us.

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