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This article does not make any sense and neither does it add any value to the site. It appears to be a very old one and moderator has been very kind enough to offer some cash for the same...!
@ devayani

This type of articles are came in topic at time time who had seen this type of artilces can show to moderators.As this is also responsible of ours.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

@ devayani

This type of articles are came in topic at time time who had seen this type of artilces can show to moderators.As this is also responsible of ours.

I agree with you sasikanth. We should bring such articles in the administrators and moderators view.
i think the author has tried explaining the history of rap music here. and all those interested in rap music may find it atleast of some help. although i find it short and lacking in information but then it is not correct to criticise it.
plus we should also see no of hits on it which means people have read it and read the comments written , people have liked it to an extent.
But vidhi i think you had not seen one of our members view.He told that the above told are having false statements.

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