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Sarala you have pointed out a key factor for success in any kind of relationship. mutual understanding can make a relationship and misunderstanding can mar it!!
yes, for having mutual understand what the human being doing. Nothing doing. I feel to have mutual understanding we keep ourselves in the others place and think. then we will know their situation and we will go as they react. and there is no misunderstanding

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Mutual understanding between two people will have a strong realtion ship in marriage.Adjustment is the main factor which play a key role here.If any one member follow this rule that relation ship will be forever.

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yes, you are right sasikanth. In the marriage relation both mutual understanding and adjustment are important for best marriage life

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sarala , I think misunderstandings can be avoided with little maturity and trust. If you have a doubt about something better to ask other person instead if assuming things and messing up your life with piles of misunderstanding.Maturity is the key for success in any relationship.
Marriage is a moment that a individual are anixious they wait this moment in their life.
Yes, Vidi, marriage is a kind of relation ship which should contain adjustment, mutual understanding,maturity and mutual trust then only this relation suceeds

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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