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but i am not agreed . if everything is not discussed then in case if a drinker marriages with good natured girl then about that girl's future. she will have to live in hell like home . so it is necessary to discuss everything between two families before marriage.

It is okay to see that the prospective couple are compatible to each other. The matter like drinking habit, character and health, personal like or dislike have to be considered. But the money and other considerations in nature of dowry or business deals are not proper. In a case, a boy would be accepted if he could get prospective bride's brother also married to some one in the groom's relation. This type of negotiation vitiates the sanctity of marriage.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

You are right gulshanji every one must take care of their character not the money.

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Some of the things are there that need to be discuss between the two families and after that the proper decision can be taken. As gulshanji,discussed in last post,these things should not be there. I have seen 2-3 cases in my building where i live. I was shocked on seen such cases and wonder how could these people do such marraiges. Its really ridiculous !!!

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yes, even after negotiation some marriages do not work fine. I think who know what the person says is completely true or not. :dry:
Marraiges are really headache,when you think about the things which can harm you in future of your life. The internal things are very tense and frightening.

Want to make each day Accountable

I dont know how parent think that they will select a boy for their girl by knowing only about his job, his color, how he look, what is his family baground,how many sisters he has and his start and all blablabla. but they wont think that in future will love will be in between them or not as love cannot be formed by knowing such kind of details.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

arranged marriages are just a part of the much can a boy and girl know each other in a short span of time.i prefer love marriages..
yes the system is very embarassing and needs to be changed but then to get a perfect match this is the only system that seems correct. else love marriage is an option!!
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