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Even I feel sad when i see them but I know many of them are not the actual beggars they just pretend to be beggars and find this to be the easiest job to earn. :evil:
Even I feel sad when i see them but I know many of them are not the actual beggars they just pretend to be beggars and find this to be the easiest job to earn. :evil:

I wish you knew the hardships a beggar goes through or feels. This is as easy or tough as any other jobs. They have to face so many disappointments every day but still giving you all the blessings for a few coins. They are really hard workers. :evil: :evil:

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Even I feel sad when i see them but I know many of them are not the actual beggars they just pretend to be beggars and find this to be the easiest job to earn. :evil:

I wish you knew the hardships a beggar goes through or feels. This is as easy or tough as any other jobs. They have to face so many disappointments every day but still giving you all the blessings for a few coins. They are really hard workers. :evil: :evil: think they are hard workers and us the beggars who work in too much of pressure in the office for 9~10 hours daily. :laugh:
Even I feel sad when i see them but I know many of them are not the actual beggars they just pretend to be beggars and find this to be the easiest job to earn. :evil:

I wish you knew the hardships a beggar goes through or feels. This is as easy or tough as any other jobs. They have to face so many disappointments every day but still giving you all the blessings for a few coins. They are really hard workers. :evil: :evil: think they are hard workers and us the beggars who work in too much of pressure in the office for 9~10 hours daily. :laugh:

Some of them even sleep on hard cash earned through the day. The life is really hard for them. I know this is not easy as your office ob where you sit in AC offices. :evil: :evil: And tell me when you have felt enough disappointed because I have to close it down.

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SJ, I know a lady who is looking after her family by begging. she don't like to work so she sit near the temples and beg. So it is really strange to know that present days begging also has become a business point. Thats why people who in not good condition to them only i give money mostly.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is nice that you have a philanthropic heart. However some beggars are professional. They have mobile phones and bank accounts. They have good network and an association of beggars .
Even beggers are having cellphones and bank accounts. We feel they are beggers but actually begging is their business.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Beggars are increasing in our country day by day.I feel very pity for them.They are the very helpless people of our country.

Sharmistha Banerjee
A person alone is begging as profession is his choice. However in few cities, children are forced to beg beside the crossings or railway stations, etc. This is a crime.
Daily when I walk 2 Job I found Beggars spreading like anything

Its upsetting my conscience as Beggars population is so grave

That I'm handicapped

That goes to show that it has become like a profession for them, I personally would never encourage any beggar.I have asked some of the beggars to come home and do some garden work for which I would feed and also pay them, bu they always refuse.Unless a person is very old and unable to take care or handicapped I would never ever pay a beggar..

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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