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yes devyani i agree with you. Music is a gift of God. and gives lot of strenght to us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Music has its own advantages and disadvantages. Listening to classical or slow music can really soothe our senses having a positive effect on our overall character while as listening to loud unhealthy music may at times lead to physical abnormality like deafness. It depends upon you which music you want to listen to. Old movie songs are the best music I listen to.
music shows alot of effect on our mind.
The melody music makes our mind happy.
the devotional music makes our mind to be peaceful and happy
A fastbeat music makes us to be fast in the deeds.
so if we listen to music and work then the work will be very easy for us

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Sometimes music have different effect on mind . It gives the peace to mind and body feels relax when wee listen music laying on bed.
some times music even make our mind feel sad. If we are failed in anything in the past and when we listen to the sad songs then we may become depressed so at that time we should stop hearing such songs and listern to fast beat

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I haven't felt any problem in music. Whenever,i am stressed out,I listen music,and i feel better. I am not at all affected from music.

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