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Thanks Devyani for your commitment,We will wait for your home made sweet.
I love this festival...i plan to eat lots of sweets and to enjoy myself to the maximum.. :laugh: :laugh:
My mother makes lots of sweets at home. Festivals attracts us to eat lot of sweets.

Want to make each day Accountable

I would love to spend the day eating a lot, meeting with friends and relatives, having a lot of fun and to have a glimpse of my love on this day and to exchange a few words in privacy...!
I agree with the concept of adulteration in sweets as mentioned by Gulshanji. Many sweet shops are making sweets with poisonous milk, sugar and other worst quality ingrdients. I have planned to make sweets at home.
I will send you all sweets online and have fun during festival.

No I need offline sweets :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I will send my mail address.A carton of Deewali sweets expected by courier!!

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