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Less risky jobs are a lot in this world.But it depends on the mind set of worker that determine the risk.

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The way the person dedicates his work to a job,depends the probability of risk.

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There is hardly any job without an amount of risk and yes it can be summarized as high risk and less risk jobs. According to me driving, security guard jobs and fishing are risky jobs while teaching and gardening jobs are less risky jobs...!
A job in the bank especially as cashier is a risky job in all of our sense.But one who does it regularly may not feel any risk.

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The risk less job is nothing in the world.Every job is having its own risk.

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if you want that no risk it is theoretical portion only for the job not in practical.
There will be risk less jobs but the pay will be very less. for exampl librarian position

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think there will be no risk in this job.Just going and sitting.

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then working on Pc is also riskless job. Just we type code and think and write code . I feel there is no rish

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think there will be no risk in this job.Just going and sitting.

it is less risky...i agree....but there is some risk as you are in charge of the need to ensure the safety of books from others.
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