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Circumstances and situations happening around us in our lives have a great influence in our human minds and they do play an important role in determining our future course of action...!
ajay wrote:
[quote]Circumstances and situations happening around us in our lives have a great influence in our human minds and they do play an important role in determining our future course of action...! [/quote]

Exactly my thoughts on this subject! To which I may also add, response to a certain scenario or situation varies from person to person, which, more than anything else dictates what the person may turn into! eg. a traumatic experience during childhood such as an abusive father who beats up the child's mother regularly may turn the person into either an abuser himself OR may make the person more sensitive and empathetic towards such sufferings!

"I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally."
- W. C. Fields :)

Thank you said by: ajay
man is not like that how he is forced to behave. sometimes changes have to set down to learn others lesson .
When government and law and order fails to punish an accused people's mind set may change to take law in hand.

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the situations and the atmosphere around the person change their mind

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it is said that criminals are not born, it is the society that makes criminal . so some incidents in life and general attitude of society towards you and your attitude towards your life makes you change your mind.
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