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Becarefull each and every second ravans are waiting for girls to trap.

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One more precaution for the girl who are working as door to door delivery sales girls. when you goto a house don't go alone. when you go don't stand near the door. after going to a house , before you knock the door once observe. after knocking the door the person who come to talk to you, observe that person. or else they will pull you inside.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

A huge thanks to you buddy. i can never imagine that this can also be a plan of gangsters . thank you so much .
how could that n8umber which we dial can let us know about the presence of mobile there?
when we enter into the trial room or wash room we need to make a call from our mobile. if the call couldn't go then that means there is a camera or mobile is there in the washroom or trial room

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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