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Regular exercise is the best way of reducing fat quickly and in a natural way. There is no best alternative other than these and if some alternative is used it could result in side effects...!
all those reduce 10 kilos in 10 days plans are such a waste of time.if you want to lose weight do it gradually and slowly.
Of course sudden change in anything in our body tends to create problems which can harm also.
You are right isha sudden reducing fat also causes harm to body.

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There are many medicines available in the market to reduce fat quickly. These medicines are really fake and we should not believe on it.

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Yes, Ronark. whatever you said is true. 2 days before a lady in Andhra Pradesh had taken medicines to reduce fat but those medicines showed negative reaction on her and that leads to death but anyhow she got saved as people have admitted her in hospital.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sudden increase/decrease of anything from our body will make our body lose its balance...
We can reduce fan by having oats daily with milk. As oats has a character to reduce the fat.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Thank you sarala good information shared by you this is important one to me.

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The medical studies is saying not try to reduce fat immediately.If you do like this there may be many problems.The doctors are warning about this.

Can you please tell us which kind of problems may occur?
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