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Even i take bath before eating food. Actually everyone do the same. But if do reverse then that day you may feel uneasy

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

guys you know in hindu custom bath before taking food is admired not referred to bath after food as this is the process of animals to take bath after food.
yes I agree with isha. it is a custom in hindu not only in hindu in most of the religions bath before food is the rule

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

no not at all. It is really very bad to take bath after having food. It is very harmful to our health.
I agree with vimala. having bath after having food is unhealhty

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

It is always advisable and recommended to take your bath before lunch and in some unavoidable circumstances you can take bath after food only after waiting for sometime or a gap of an hour or so...!
Doing bath before lunch is not good. we should not take bath at afternoon

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes, very well explained by Gulshankumarji. It is not at all good to take a bath after meal.
yes, It is not at all good to take bath after meal, If taken then there may be some problems in our health

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes Gulshanji even my dad always tells me not to take bath immediately after eating. He always advises for bath before breakfast.
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