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This is really amazing news.

People do get famous for that which is god gift.

Keep posting such types.
This is amazing. He became famous because of his long feet. Very interesting news.
This is a real thing happened every one will have one great thing in his.He has a big feet with that he had known to us.

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It is very tough for him to have a foot wear. he should order a foot wear to make of his feet size

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

sarala dont be crazy ya.

Already i have ordered and given to him.

He kept that slippers in home.

Just funny.

Earn money just for joining in this site.

If the height is concerned,i have seen many people in the race.

Want to make each day Accountable

this is good suggestion ronark...keep posting here..
oh this is now very surprising. great post and yes sarala seems to be really worried about his slippers. very cute gesture ,sarala!!
When something is there in abnormal he gets fame also.So become abnormal!!!

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Becoming abnormal is the gods creativity. We cannot become abnormal.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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