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I have a fear of snakes even movies i dont want to watch them.When it is near me my heart will stop.

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I have a fear of snakes even movies i dont want to watch them.When it is near me my heart will stop.

Some can really not bear the dreadful images like ghosts, many headed snakes, monsters etc. So, I suggest that there should be separate section for dreadful images with a warning- For brave hearts only. Others may view at their own risk.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Gulshan ji this is a good idea.There we can post images or fearfull videos.

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Is this picture genuine? Never seen or heard something like this even in discovery channels. If true, it is a really great miracle to find such a snake. will go on the net to find the facts. Thanks to sending this photograph.
It may be funny to see it in picture but really a scary one when you see in real...
Friends, mythology is becoming truth. I thought this to be a fiction. Now I am scared.
Oh is this real photo? :ohmy:

I have seen such snakes only in films. :) :)
In real also they may be SJ,

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I don't know this is real or not but many things happen which surprises us many times as a baby with two heads or four legs.
This is definitely not real, there are so many of this particular photo apparently the same snake shot in so many different places, obviously photoshopped...There are so many such images available on the net !

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

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