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Nice words and that's true people do wrong things for which they repent when they calm down so we must be careful while taking decisions in anger. :)
No matter what, one can never run away from one's Conscience which is bound to tell you when you are doing something wrong...Buddha attained the greatest height of wisdom and knowledge of life and living and his teachings will always have relevance for human beings :)

Pay no mind to those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead !!!

This is truely great meaning. Everybody don't understand this. People who learns this becomes wise and above all.
Buddha has taught different ways and means to control our emotions and anger. One of the best way is meditation.
There are many famous quotes in quotes section of boddunan and I read daily some of them. It inspires me so much.
Buddha is a great person, He never harmed anyone in his life. I love his story. I want to visit the place where buddha used to meditate

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

Yes the place is Buddha Gaya where he use to meditate and achieved his wisdom.
Buddha is a great person with great and good thoughts.
We can say Gautam Buddha is the other name for peace. As he lived like that only.

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This is a copied quote from the site I mentioned and I am here to take care of such posts. I hope you got my point now.
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