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hmm maybe this is a loop hole about this game...its gets stuck..maybe we should carry on and deepu will let us know about his answer later.,though its kinda obvious that its 3rd
I also agree that Deepu's third option is lie. :lol: Wow Deven so you met Hritik..interesting. :)
Is hrithik really that handsome as in screens or as other heroines pre makeup face/post makeup face?
i was kinda small then..he was all red and pretty handsome..though i remmember preity zinta looking fantabulous.
I think Deven's three options are lie and dipu's third option is not true.
i already told what the lie was..okay ram its your turn man..tell u 3 things about yourself
THe game was good.But it was to be practiced in a group which is more active.

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I think the first and the third option is a lie, second one can be true

I think third one is a lie.As some lie should be in these three.
yes abid can run properly only if there is more someone please post 3 things about them
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