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good information provided by you.thanks for sharing. i have read it it all in details.
Standing committee of parliament has asked for public views on Lok Pal Bill. an advertisement has been inserted. So, some of Boddunan members expert on legal drafts, can send their suggestions.

Manu Sanghvi has said that the time limit up to 30th august suggested by Team anna is impracticable.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

It is reported that anna agitation is turning in nuisance. They ride buses without paying fare and also involved in eve teasing. Kejriwal has denied charges of hooliganism. But is this credible. The anna supporters are also from the same corrupt society. They work in offices as baboo, shop keepers or just students. If the agitation continues long, hooliganism will increase and people will definitely lose sympathy.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

this demand are posaible for our honuable pm if they want to take a step toward this lokpal bill but they were not ready for that.
Some believes that it is very easy to pass a bill in parliament like taking in a tea.It is not so and requires its own time.

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Government has called an all party meeting for Lok pal Bill. A wider consensus among parties is necessary for the enactment. The goverment believes that the differences between government and anna team are on methodology and not contents.

As there is unit of purpose and no real dispute, fast and agitation must end soon.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

I think we should find some other way to protest against the lokpal bill.
Anna supporters are now getting violent. Anna has asked them not to be violent. But anna shold advise his lieutenants like Kejriwal to restrain themselves. We have parliamentary democratic system based on party system. This is representational democracy and not direct like Denmark. This is natural as we are too vast and too big. It is no use mobbing the MPs for supporting the anna Bill when the MPs have to go by their party organization. Team anna is nothing but a group of lawlessness hooligans and anarchists.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

he is moving with non-violence . i am supporting him and don't agree with those who says his way is not supportable
If some one does not follow constitution and law and blackmails by fast and collecting mob, he is not supportable. The anna team are not more honest than others. They have no business to frame law and compel parliament to do what they dictate. Anyone can raise patriotic slogans and play songs. This is just a way to emotionally blindfold people and brainwash them. Let us not be brainwashed.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

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