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Deven; We are in parliamentary system. You say that half of members of parliament are corrupt. Why so?. As the people are corrupt, they elect those who are truly their representative. If the people are corrupt, they give bribe for their own benefit, they will not grudge. People even accept liqueur and cash for votes.

Corruption is like dowry system. The dowry giver and taker are same. similarly, bribe taker and giver are same. The corrupt are everywhere- government, politics, business, temples, hospitals, education. Most of corruption is consensual. So, nobody will lodge complaint. If people do not complain, even Lok pal, howsoever strong will do nothing.

i may give some examples: You are in train without ticket or invalid ticket are traveling in higher class. The TTE can allow you on payment of fare and fine. But you and TTE both agree for a lesser amount that goes to TTE pocket. You and TTE both are benefited by this. who will complain and why? similarly, you go to market and buy something without a cash memo to save sales tax and other taxes. This is corruption. who will complain and why. You are involved in a quarrel and arrested by police. You do not want to go to jail even for a day and face court. so you bribe police. who will complain and why?. You park vehicle at a wrong place. In short, people give bribe for their own benefit and they will not complain. No complaint no action.

There are no separate classes of bribe givers and bribe takers. Even the crowd managed by Anna does not constitute honest people. I feel that if Anna advises his own team and the crowd managed by him to observe total honesty, corruption may be removed to some extent.

As regards how to remove corruption, those who are sincere in removing this should begin at their home. Most young men want motor car or bike on their marriage. Most likely these demands can be met only by the corrupt. If you wish to fight corruption, promote austerity, abolish dowry and heavy expenses on marriages and death functions. Money on such occasions is sourced by corruption. The Anna group pays lip service. His team only generates lawlessness and nuisance and they are themselves not free themselves from corruption.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

Infact I strongly agree with Gulshanji's opinions

More than 90% of the 545 members of the Lower House of the Parliament are corrupt,no wonder even the successors become corrupt.

India has not achieved freedom from corruption yet.

Swetha Shenoy
Coming to think of it,

Why dont Gulshan ji start an anti corruption movement?

It will be called as ' Gulshan India ' Movement :)

Swetha Shenoy
Thank you said by: Gulshan Kumar Ajmani
Coming to think of it,

Why dont Gulshan ji start an anti corruption movement?

It will be called as ' Gulshan India ' Movement :)

Swetha. I will never name any movement after me. My advice in short is: begin with yourself and your home and family. Be honest yourself. complain. Complaints are most important. If you do not complain, nothing will happen.

There is already complaint redress system that works. when I retired, my pension was not properly fixed. I did not bribe. I wrote letters to authorities and my job was done. Recently, Here some tax payers complained to vigilance commission and suitable inquiry and action was taken. Once my father's Income Tax Refund was over delayed and we did not pay bribe. I just wrote a letter to CBDT and the refund was got within a week.

So Lok pal or no Lok Pal. Do not indulge in corruption yourself and always complain to concerned higher authorities. Action is taken.

When there is consensual corruption, nobody will complain and nothing can be done- Lok Pal or no Lok pal.

Incidentally, I have given you thank you message and increased your point. If this is corruption, to whom will you complain and why.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

yes Gulshan ji,

I agree with you.But how far is this applicable?

I faced a lot of hurdles to get a temporary driving licence and also a permanent driving licence. I had to cancel my appointments 3 times and then I got one appointment for test driving that too by bribing!!!!

There was another hurdle in getting my degree convocation.For two years I was searching ways and means of getting my convocation,finally I had to cancel my DD and pay online.

I donot know why the young and the old have to suffer!

Swetha Shenoy
Swetha Ji. Most people bribe and hence this is customary. As regards driving licence, people find it convenient to pay some cash and get this without any test in the comfort of home. At Agra, there are many RTO consultants who will do all formalities and you will get the licence without going anywhere. Thus not only RTO staff but even the vehicle owners are involved in corruption. so neither the RTO staff nor vehicle owners will complain as this is mutual.

However, you may make complaint to vigilance commissioner of India or state as the case may be and suitable action will be taken.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

i agree with most of gulshan ji's thoughts..especially those about corruption..but calling anna's team corrupt without any facts backing it up is just not done..
And i agree with swetha that gulshan ji shall start a movement..and i will truely support it.
Certainly yes. Anna is struggling for a good cause. I support him completely.
yes i am also with anna hazare but in my town there is no protestation against the corruption how could i give my contribution.
Yes, I am also with anna hazare.

He do great job.

Corruption in India are major concerns.

Be positive
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