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Really a very wonderful device suggested by Pradeep and actually very nice to know that there exists any such device called remote neural monitoring which helps to find out what blind people dreams about....!!!
Really a very wonderful device suggested by Pradeep and actually very nice to know that there exists any such device called remote neural monitoring which helps to find out what blind people dreams about....!!!

But Ajay, I don't agree with you about the advantage of this device. This is a dangerous device and is only misused by the people who possess it. There are few recent example which I can give and I know that nobody will believe it. They are, you have heard about the complete blackout in the I.G. International Airport Terminal 3 where even the back up system didn't work and the airport authority can't gave a valid and reasonable answer. Those who know about this device or are victim of this device were enjoying that situation. Yes, this remote can save the frequency transmitted by the power supply unit of the airport or any electrical unit without using any wireless access point. This is done through radio frequency(RF) and the remote can save the said frequency of that electrical unit from a distance place without even visiting that place. Once it is done then people play with the remote like the way we play using Universal Remote.

Another example of this remote is the case of Mr. Suresh Kalmadi. I am not talking about the case he is facing but you have noticed that recently Mr. Kalmadi is not speaking properly and he has visited psychiatrist for suffering of dementia. All this thing can be done artificially through this remote and no one including Mr.kalmadi will be able to find out about the use of this device on him. Only if he know that such device exist then only he can doubt about the misuse of this device.

Since, I am not good at communicating properly, I am unable to make others understand about the remote.

In nutshell,if you possess that remote then you can by sitting at home and without vising the airport even for once can switch off the electric supply of the airport.

Yes, this device can tell you what a blind person or any person is dreaming but it can destroy the life of that person by misusing this device.
Thanks for briefing about the adverse effects of the device and what a havoc it could create in real terms. I accept the fact that you have a great knowledge when it comes about devices and technologies Pradeep!and I will consider myself much happier to hear and learn from you about such unique devices and its functioning in the future too!!!

Oh! no, I am just an average person. Since, I became the victim to the misuse of this device and still under the misuse of it, which compelled me to search about the existence of this device and the technology behind it and how it work through Google only. I still don't know how to stop the use of this device as many others who are victims of this device don't know about how to stop it. But, all of us are having same problem and harassment.

But, I think those who are studding Engineering and specially on Wireless Technology or Radio Frequency Technology can understand this much better. Their are Hi-End Universal Remote which can also switch off electricity from grid stations or do lots of other things are not sold to general public without any valid reason or proper justifications.

We can use Home Automation devices to play with our electrical units from outside but for that we need to install some wireless access point in our house through which the Universal Remote can communicate. But, hi-End Universal Remote doesn't require any wireless access point to be installed into our house. It doesn't require any wireless access point. It is so sophisticated that it can wirelessly access any electrical unit or grid station, which are constantly emitting frequency and this universal remote can read this frequency from a distance place. Each and every electrical unit has it's own pattern of frequency which is unique and doesn't have resemblance with others like our fingerprints. This frequency is read by this hi-end remote and within a fraction of second it can send any pre-programmed or custom-ed programmed command to that particular electrical unit.That's the reason these hi-end universal remotes are not sold for Home automation purposes because of misuse. Otherwise, anybody will buy on remote and play with it like if are having this remote and moving around a factory and just to have fun you will use this remote to switch off or shut down the entire establishment. And people will be scratching their head finding the reason behind it!

I just diverted from the main topic but they are some how co-related, so i discussed about it.
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