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doctor is always a wellwisher. he never want to do any harm to his paitent

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

thnks Rajani K for u'r kind response & you may be feeling my title is bad ,but plz understand i nvr beleive in GOD but beleive in Living legends like Doctor,

Rajani K it is forum so we are free to xpress,m sorry if i hurt u or anybody


I understand that in forums one can ask any question freely and that is reason why i answered you with the intention to help you.I have seen doctors who have misguided number of time so i wanted to know whether are you suffering with any problem? if yes,maybe any one can suggest you some remedy if they knows. I have no intention to hurt you or objuct your title etc.
Doctor is a good guider in our life.If he suggests to take non veg ,he is saying it for our good health.
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