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Sometimes talking to oneself really helps to find a solution to matters which concerns oneself and especially when you cannot trust the people around. Then listening to your mind helps a lot and through talking we might be able to arrive at a solution...
I don't talk myself now.But during the school days to prepare for elocution I practiced it in front of mirror.

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Yes I talk with myself.Actually at night when I go to bed I think about my whole days activity and do a plan for next day.
Yes,I talk to myself when I am confused of taking decisions in any matter.
I have seen many people do so, but I tried to talk to myself but couldn't do it

when i have to prepare something like to give presentation or to sing song or dance . i usually take help of mirror because it shows our faults.
I talk myself but in my mind that to in hindi. I be as i like in my mind

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

yes many people has a habit to talk itself but i does not have such habit.
I also talk to my self in my mind and i even saw many people who talk to themselves

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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