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Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

I think helping mother in kitchen can make us to become a good cook....
If anyone is to become a good cook then he or she should start it right way so that with practice and time and under the guidance of someone he or she could groom into a good cook....
If you want to be a professional cook, you need to undergo a study course. Otherwise just watch others cooking, learn from them or recipe books and practise cooking. Like other activities, this is also a matter of practice. This is more complicated as everyone has a different taste. Some like more spicy, more salty or sweeter than others. So, you also need to be aware of consumer taste.

G. K. Ajmani Tax consultant

One can also broaden and sharpen his or her cooking abilities by following some Television programs like Mirch masala and Master shef...It is always like a dream come true to cook good foods for friends and families...
practicing dishes number times , then we can become a good cook.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race.

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